Friday 11 April 2014

Naturally highlight your hair

Using chemicals results in dry, brittle, thin hair that is limp and lifeless. We all want to look beautiful and it doesn't harm doing some tricks to enhance your beauty. So this summer dump those saloon trips to get highlights instead with these easy tricks lighten hair naturally at home. 


The best known of the natural hair highlighters is lemon. Put lemon juice mixed with honey onto your hair, leave mixture on your hair and sit in the sun. Wash your hair with normal shampoo. Condition your hair before and after using lemon because it can dry your hair. You will see your hair have become a shade lighter.

Chamomile tea: 

Boil a pot of chamomile tea and allow it to cool completely. Wash and condition your hair normally, then rinse your hair with the tea. Relax outside in the sun with your tea-drenched hair for an hour or so. Repeat every other day until your hair has beautiful natural highlights.


Wash with vinegar. Vinegar works to lighten hair. Wash and condition your hair normally, then rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar in the last rinse. Doing this on a regular basis will slowly lighten your hair over time.

Black tea: 

Black tea is full of tannic acid which can bring out highlights in your hair over time. Brew a few cups of very strong black tea (using several tablespoons/teabags) and pour it through your hair. Let it soak for up to 30 minutes before rinsing out with warm water.

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