Wednesday 4 June 2014

High frequency for your hair

High frequency therapy is a type of intensive hair treatment to cure dandruff, hair-fall or alopecia, carried out by treating your hair with high-frequency infra and ultra rays.

Several salons in Mumbai have started using this therapy as something of a quicker solution to their hair-related problems.

What is it?

It utilises a transparent rod-like tool that is plugged in, has two to three different types of knobs that need to be fitted in front of it for different types of treatments. Usually, a wide comb is fitted. A tool used for treating dandruff that looks like a long handled comb generates current when brought in contact with the scalp. The second is an ultra ray treatment given through a distance with the use of a bulb.

Treatment procedure

The treatment begins by separating the hair in four-five different partitions, then unknotting it smoothly. After this, the comb that emits infra rays is used on various portions of the affected scalp. This is process is done for two-three minutes, followed by a thorough oil massage for about 20 minutes. Then, a moisturizing hair mask is applied to every strand of the hair from root to tip and left untouched for about 15 minutes. Then, this masked hair is treated with steam and is then exposed to ultra rays through a bulb for five-seven minutes. The treatment lasts for 45 minutes and one needs to take a head wash only the next morning. The treatment also includes pressure point massages for the neck and back.

Beauty expert Jaishree Shah says, "The best part is that this process doesn't hurt at all, one might just feel slight irritation when the mouth of the comb touched the scalp. However, you get used to it gradually. This treatment requires about eight sittings and your dandruff is completely treated."

This treatment requires a minimum of ten continuous sittings, which can be done twice or thrice a week. Post the ten sittings, one should not stop the treatment completely, but continue doing it on a fortnightly basis for better and long lasting results.

Beauty expert Bhavna Daniel, explains, "Infra rays are given prior to the treatment just when the hair is unknotted. The device is touched to scalp while the treatment and hence it shows visible effects. While, ultra rays are given in the form of a bulb, at the end of the treatment i.e. after steam. The ultra rays are given from a distance and not brought close to the scalp or hair."

Benefits of infra and ultra rays

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps generate new cells
  • Exfoliates hair growth
  • Treats dandruff effectively
  • Prevents itchy scalp
  • Stops hair fall gradually
  • - Helps keep hair growth constant

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