Saturday 19 April 2014

Tips for good hair care

It is crucial to take good care of your hair


A good hair care routine is a must. If your hair grows weak, causing split ends and damage, try some of these time-tested beauty regimes to regain the nourished and glossy look of your hair:

Home-made hair care packs

Strawberry pack

You will need: One cup crushed strawberries, half cup rosemary shredded and one tablespoon vinegar. Mix the above ingredients well in a bowl and apply to your hair. Leave it on till it is dry (about half an hour) and rinse.

Egg and banana pack

Bananas make for wonderful hair conditioners. Use ripe ones for maximum benefit. You will need: two ripe mashed bananas, two eggs beaten well, juice of one lime and two vitamin E capsules. Mix all the items in a bowl, apply to your hair and wear a shower cap, keep it on for about 30 minutes, then shampoo. This pack can be used as often as twice a week.

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