Saturday 19 April 2014

How to take care of your toenails

Ingrown toenails and nail fungus are just a couple of foot problems that may be prevented with proper care.

1. Wash your feet daily: 

Keep feet clean and dry, washing frequently with water and soap. Pay extra attention to the spaces in between the toes.

2. Pedicure every two weeks:

Soak your feet for about 5-10 minutes in a large bowl with lukewarm water. Exfoliate your feet with a foot scrub to remove dry and dead skin.

3. Trim your toenails:

 Properly trim your toenails, cutting them straight across.

4. Moisturize your feet:

 Put lotion or foot cream as a part of your daily routine. 

Tips for good hair care

It is crucial to take good care of your hair


A good hair care routine is a must. If your hair grows weak, causing split ends and damage, try some of these time-tested beauty regimes to regain the nourished and glossy look of your hair:

Home-made hair care packs

Strawberry pack

You will need: One cup crushed strawberries, half cup rosemary shredded and one tablespoon vinegar. Mix the above ingredients well in a bowl and apply to your hair. Leave it on till it is dry (about half an hour) and rinse.

Egg and banana pack

Bananas make for wonderful hair conditioners. Use ripe ones for maximum benefit. You will need: two ripe mashed bananas, two eggs beaten well, juice of one lime and two vitamin E capsules. Mix all the items in a bowl, apply to your hair and wear a shower cap, keep it on for about 30 minutes, then shampoo. This pack can be used as often as twice a week.

Friday 18 April 2014

For that radiant, glowing skin

Want to flaunt a radiant, glowing skin. Then follow these rules

Vitamin C:

Have your share of vitamin C as it is known for being anti-oxidant. Vitamin C helps in building strong immune system, radiant skin and helps blemishes heal properly. And the best sources are oranges, papaya, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, strawberries and sweet potatoes. Regular intake of these fruits and vegetables will show great results.

Say no to crash diets:

If you want that enviable skin then you have to say no to crash diets. Crash diets are unhealthy and they take toll on your skin making you look haggard. Crash diets also lead to shortage of essential vitamins and affect overall physical well-being. The key to glowing skin lies eating your share of fruits and vegetables. Remember there is no alternative to healthy eating.

Drink water: 

Your skin needs moisture for that suppleness. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day will do fine. Even if you spend your day at an air-conditioned office, keep on sipping water throughout the day. Cut down on smoking, alcohol consumption. Too much of coffee is also no good. Instead settle down for 2/3 cups of herbal tea in a day.

How to get rid of blackheads

Blackheads commonly appear on the chin, around the nostrils and forehead due to the oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells accumulated in skin pores. Here are some easy tips to prevent and get rid of blackheads:


Wash your face with a good cleanser at least twice a day. Keep oily areas of your face like nose and cheeks oil-free by using an oil-free cleanser.


Scrubs or exfoliators are a good way to remove dead skin accumulated on the skin. Use a light exfoliator on your face two or three times a week.

Facial steam: 

It removes the excess dirt on the skin and helps to open your pores and get rid of blackheads. You can also use a warm washcloth and hold it on your face until the blackhead has moved to the surface.


Always remove makeup: 

Try not to use foundation on a daily basis, as it can clog your pores. Remove makeup only with a makeup remover.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Natural ways to get rid of facial hair

 Women need to battle facial hair constantly. So to get rid of facial hair many opt for methods like bleaching, waxing or shaving but that still can't provide a permanent cure. Here are a few home remedies that can help fight unwanted hair growth.


Besides being good for one's complexion turmeric has antibacterial effects. It also helps to curb hair growth. Turmeric is also good for many other skin problems and wounds.

For the mask

Make a fluid paste by soaking turmeric powder in water, apply to the facial area where you have excess hair and leave on for a few minutes. After it dries, use a cloth dipped in warm water to wipe away the turmeric and the hair, too.


Gram flour

Since our grand-mothers time we know that gram flour (Besan) is used for face packs. Women in many parts of Indiaregularly used a face pack made by mixing gram flour with turmeric. This is believed to have the ability to remove the excess hair on the face, particularly around the mouth and chin. It also helps in getting a smooth and flawless skin.

For the mask

Mix equal amounts of gram flour and turmeric with a little water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the face, leave on until it dries totally and then with a cloth dipped in warm water rub off this face mask.


Eggs have various benefits for the skin and hair.

For the mask

Take the egg white of one egg add half a tablespoon of corn flour add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Make a smooth paste and apply this to the portion of your face that has unwanted hair. Once dried just pull it off firmly and the hair will get pulled out, too. It's painful but the results are amazing.

How to get stunning gel nails

There's nothing like a fresh coat of nail polish to help you complete your look. Even better, being able to flaunt those beautiful nails for 2-3 weeks.

Style Gel is best recommended to working professionals who have to be groomed all the time. It is a time saving service. Sounds like a dream, but is it safe for your nails? There are a lot of myths about gel nails that range from silly to outrageous.

Gel manicures are a relatively new trend. Here's how it works: a special type of gel polish is applied to the nails and then cured under a UV or LED light. This hardens the polish into a glossy coat that's super durable and resists chipping. Unlike acrylics, you don't have to drill or file down your natural nails. Gel nails are also odorless and don't require the same harsh chemicals to apply. So you end up with a manicure that stays chip-free and shiny for up to four weeks. And best of all, they dry instantly!


Human anatomy, states that nails cannot "breathe" in principle. There is no oxygen in the nail plate, and it does not need it. Nails, teeth, hair are all dead fabric, within which there are very thin channels to produce oil or moisture. That's why our nails shine and do not break. If there was air at the top of the plate, not even super materials would stick to it.

Acetone should never be used on gel nails or even normal nails as they damage the nail bed, alternately one must use a nail remover. You can apply a different nail color on your Gel colors nails and can remove it with a Nail Polish Remover. Your Gel color will continue to remain intact & you will also get a change in style.

Dos and don'ts to help your gel nails last longer


- Respectyour skin, nails & health. Wear rubber gloves for all cleaning, scouring, sanding, painting etc.
- File only Preferably, get your nail technician to do this.
- When damaged, get your nails REPAIRED by your nail technician as soon as you can.
- Remember, your nail extensions are JEWELS not TOOLS. While nail extensions is tough, it is not indestructible!
- Use acetone free nail polish remover.
- Soak fingers in warm water & mild soap 5-10 minutes to soften dirt, then scrub gently underneath nail with a nail brush or soft toothbrush.



- Don't expose your nails to harsh chemicals, petroleum products, abrasives or household cleansers to avoid crumbling of gel nails.
- Don't bite or cut your nail extensions as it can shatter damaging your natural nail plate.
- Don't glue broken or lifted extension nails. Glue isn't watertight.
- Don't use your nail extensions to open cans, or anything else that puts them at risk of breaking.
- Don't use acetone or regular nail polish remover.
- Don't gouge dirt from under your nails with pins, needles, metal nail files or any other sharp object. You may cause infection under nail.

(Inputs by: Lakme Salon)

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The new makeup ‘high’

From actors to top models, everyone swears by High Definition makeup. We take a look at the growing rage...

High Definition make-up is the latest craze because it makes your skin look flawless in pictures. Says makeup artiste Puja Taluja, "Wouldn't you want makeup that gives you a clean, smooth complexion in photographs? Most foundations and compacts fade away with time, making you look dull and non-glamorous in pictures. But HD make-up comes with light reflectors and other ingredients, which make your skin look flawless and younger."

What's it?

Cameras are believed to expose blemishes, pigmentation and wrinkles. And, if you apply just a single layer of makeup to cover it up, it might give you that cakey look. So, opt for HD make-up. It provides an even coverage to your skin and protects against un-telegenic flaws. It creates a softer focus, thus making your skin look gorgeous and natural. Also, if you have any pigments or blemishes, they blend in seamlessly with this makeup.

What it contains

The effect of a foundation or compact is decided by the light-reflecting particles in them. Diffusing light creates the illusion of an even finish. HD make-up contains mica, silicone, crystals and quartz they help scatter light, thus making your skin look flawless. HD compact powders contain mineral particles that sit well on your skin and does not settle into your pores.

HD make-up for your skin type

- If your skin is oily, use an HD compact powder that contains mattifying agents. This will prevent your face from shining too much.
- Those with dry skin should choose HD foundation that contains moisturising properties. Normally, make-up settles into the cracks and creases in your skin, thereby making you look dull and cakey. HD foundation will hydrate your skin, making the lines and wrinkles less noticeable.

Summer care tips for a happy feet

The summer heat can make your feet dry and rough with the skin peeling off due to bad weather conditions. In order to keep your feet healthy, Blossom Kochhar, chairperson of Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies, offers a few tips to take care of feet:

Shea butter:

Shea butter can play a major role in taking care of chapped and neglected feet. Follow the given procedure to keep your feet healthy and glowing:

  • Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes and cleanse your feet thoroughly by scrubbing properly with a sponge or a pumice stone to remove the dead skin, rough areas and calluses from under the feet.
  • Change the water. Take another tub of warm water and add one teaspoon of shea butter to it.
  • Soak your feet in it once again for 10 minutes. 
  • After that pat your feet dry with a towel. 
  • Then apply little amount of the shea butter on your feet thoroughly to keep it smooth and moisturised.

Wear sunscreen:

Don't forget to slather sunscreen on your feet, too! During the summer, feet are often forgotten when protecting skin from the sun. Protect your feet and remember to check them for sun damage when you do regular self-exams.

Soak you feet: 

To bring the swelling down after a long, hot day, soak your feet in a tub of ice water for 15 minutes. Then pat dry with a towel. It will give a calming and easing sensation to the pain that you might experience from the swelling.

Moisturise your feet: 

The skin on your feet needs moisture just like the rest of your body. To keep your feet soft and to prevent dry, cracking heels, use a foot cream regularly at night as part of your home pedicure routine.

Buff off dead skin and calluses:

Keep your feet looking their best by gently buffing off dead skin and calluses. After bathing or a relaxing foot soak, use a pumice stone to buff away calluses on your feet. Do not shave or cut corns or pop blisters; you could cause an infection.

Use coconut oil:

Keep some extra coconut oil handy and your feet will be happy even in summers. This oil has the ability to moisturise dry, rough skin. It nurtures skin cells and removes impurities in the skin. Leave it overnight and wear cotton socks and you will wake up with soft, beautiful feet.

How to be Sexy and attractive without makeup !

It's not makeup that gives you that sizzling aura, there's more to getting that oomph quotient. Check out how you can look red haute without all that greasepaint...

Quick fix

Wash your face, neck, and if you can, your arms and hands in cold water. This is instantly refreshing. The cold water will close your pores and may help keep shine at bay for a little bit longer. Brush or take up your hair. Neaten your appearance. Don't forget your teeth: take a bit of time to gargle. Give your cheeks a pinch and your lips a quick bite to get them to redden somewhat.

Go fresh

Grunge and the just-out-of-bed look may appear sexy and fresh in movies, but it takes a horde of makeup people, stylists, lights, and special effects guys to get actors and actresses to look like that. In real life, the light may not always be flattering, dirt and grime are off-putting, and body odor is a turn-off. We seldom look our best when we first get up from bed. So take that shower, shampoo your hair, and put on clean clothes. 

You can't manufacture a fresh look. It doesn't come out of a bottle. So make the effort. And then spray on some scent. Fresh, light, scent. Again, you have to be clean first. Pouring perfume on yourself to hide several days of sweat, grime, and body odor will only make you reek.

Co-ordinate your act

Brush your hair or put it up in a ponytail, so long as the style suits you. Put on clothes that look good on you. Sometimes people are not sure what looks flattering on them, so they fall into a fashion rut. Take the trouble to read up on your body shape, lifestyle, and budget then try on lots of clothes to find the styles that look good on you. Don't blindly follow trends; adapt trends to your personality. Accessorize! Bright, bold accessories draw the eye.

Healthy regime helps

Health gives you a radiant glow and vitality, making you more youthful. If you're not sick, there's no reason why you should not stay healthy, particularly if you want to look beautiful. Of course, a person can be sick and still be beautiful -yes, even without makeup. Even a cancer survivor whose hair has not yet grown back can be strikingly beautiful. Eating well and exercising (if you can manage it) are doubly important if you're sick. They will boost your immune system and get the endorphins and adrenaline going in your body; those, in turn, will help up your beauty factor.

Million dollar smile

A friendly, pleasant countenance will make people better disposed to you and enhance their perception of your beauty. Looking beautiful is not about makeup. Beauty is in the person. And in this day and age, when the standards of beauty are more encompassing and less rigid than in years past, there's no excuse for not looking your best. Wearing or not wearing makeup will not determine whether you are considered beautiful. There's a lot more acceptance of inner beauty nowadays.

DIY skin detox for summer

Get rid of dry, flaky skin and be summer-ready by following these do-it-yourself (DIY) steps to make your body look beautiful.

Sweat it out: 

Sweating is our body's natural way to discard toxins. Take a brisk walk, go for a morning jog, take up power yoga, exercise in your local gym — do whatever it takes to make sure you sweat. Lazy girls can opt for the sauna or steam room at the gym.

Eat right: 

Dump those packaged and processed foods from your fridge. Stock up instead on fresh vegetables and fruits. At least once a week, make sure you eat only fresh veggies and fruits of different colours —oranges, cucumber, guava, apples, broccoli, zucchini, red and yellow pepper, carrots and watermelon to name a few. Including different coloured items in your diet ensures that various vitamins and minerals are consumed.


Scrub off dead cells: 

Use a mixture of honey, oatmeal, curd and fine sugar as a mask on your body. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then scrub off gently. You could also use a pre-packaged body scrub. Squeeze a small quantity on a loofah and use gentle circular movements all over your body to scrub off dead skin cells. Follow it up with a shower and apply an intensely nourishing but non-sticky moisturising lotion. Avoid going out in the sun directly after a thorough scrub. It's best to scrub before you retire for the night.

Drink to cleanse: 

Make water your best friend. Avoid drinking packaged fruit and vegetables juices — even if they promise to be sugar-free and preservative-free. For your fix of natural juice, take a few pieces of beetroot, cucumber, bottle gourd and a few leaves of spinach and blend in the juicer.

Have a shot of wheatgrass juice every morning if possible. Try combinations of different vegetables and fruits in your juice to suit your taste. You'll see a noticeable difference in your body, skin, hair and nails when you drink two glasses of mixed juices every day for two weeks.

Get that glow after menopause

Menopause tends to play with your skin and hair. But, there's no need to get disheartened. After the menopause too, you can retain hat glowing skin....

1. Boo to sagging

Your top priority now is to build collagen in order to maintain your skin's suppleness and elasticity. Serums and creams containing vitamin A (such as retinyl palmitate, retinol or prescription-strength Renova) will reduce the formation of fine lines, wrinkles and skin that has lost its firmness. Also, invest in a good quality vitamin C serum for an extra collagen boost.

2. Right supplements

Post-menopausal skin tends to get very dry, due to a giant drop in estrogen production. While you'll need to make a switch to a more emollient topical moisturiser or cream, you'll also need to make sure that your skin is able to retain that moisture by focusing on omega-3's and 6's in your diet. A higher intake of oily fish such as salmon and tuna, fortified eggs, flaxseed, and B vitamins will help your skin retain that moisture. Also, increase your water intake to keep your skin feeling supple and fresh, use gentle, non-irritating soaps and stay away from scalding-hot, long showers.

3. Restrict hair growth

That same drop in estrogen that dries you out also causes increased facial hair. Known as hirsutism, this unwanted hair growth can be tackled permanently through laser treatments, but people with sensitive skin or light-colored hair don't have that option. Dermaplaning gets rid of facial hair by removing the outermost, superficial layers of dead skin by gently scraping it away with a surgical blade. A bonus: Dermaplaning also gets rid of fine lines and even old acne scars in the process.

4. Keep glowing

Regular, gentle exfoliation sends a signal to the deeper layers of your skin to produce more collagen. However, don't go "scrub-crazy" since post-menopausal skin is sensitive--using a Clarisonic or washcloth when cleansing your skin at night should be good enough.

5. Mineral makeup

Shift to mineral makeup post-menopause. Minerals are made with high-quality natural ingredients and feels good on sensitive, post-menopausal skin. Also, "less is more" when it comes to make-up after menopause -too much can actually accentuate wrinkles and sagging skin.

6. Make friends with sunscreen

Irrespective of age, sunscreen is the only product that protects your skin from further sun damage and prevents age spots from developing.