Wednesday 26 March 2014

How to Look Nice for School (Girls)

Do you want to look and feel nice for school? Get an outfit together the night before, set your alarm clock early, and get ready to look great! Without this step you won't be able to fit in a couple things!


1. Get up at least an hour before you have to set off for school

 Any earlier is fine, too. However, make sure you go to bed early enough that you can function. Besides, a tired person is not an attractive person. Losing too much sleep will give you dark circles and bags under your eyes. Do the basic things - get some breakfast and have a drink as soon as you get up.

2. Get in the shower

Wash your whole body thoroughly with soap, shampoo your hair at least 3-4 days a week, and condition it at least twice a week. Use a shower gel to make your body smell fresh. Get out and dry off, but leave your skin a bit damp.


3. Put on some body lotion

Make sure you put on a decent amount and massage it into your skin.

4. Put on a bath robe or stay in your towel

 Pluck any stray eyebrows, put moisturizer on your face, file your nails if they are rough or broken, and if you have gotten up earlier, you could even consider re-painting them if they are chipped.
5. Time to do your make up! 

For school, just sweep on a thin coat of your favorite eyeshadow (try earth tones so you don't look like a clown: light gold, bronze, caramel etc. . .), and use about 3 swipes of mascara(curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler BEFORE putting on mascara if needed). Make your skin look clear with some foundation, and dust your face lightly with loose powder to stop your face from getting shiny. This will keep the look fresh and natural. Don't forget to gloss up, a nice pink or clear lip gloss will add just enough shine to your face.


6. Decide what you are going to do with your hair
  •  If your hair is still wet from the shower, either towel dry it or use a blow dryer.
  •   If you choose to use a blow dryer, leave it a bit damp so that your hair doesn't get ruined from the heat.
  • Straightening your hair is a great way to get a chic look. It's fast and easy, but don't do it everyday or it will also ruin your hair. And remember to use an anti heat spray to protect your hair (make sure your hair is completly dry!!)
  •  Scrunching your hair is cute and so are french braids.
  • Ponytails are very nice because they help to show your beautiful face.

7. Time to get dressed!

 Put on some deodorant and some body spray. Take out the outfit you planned the night before. Clothes should be clean and creases should beironed out. You want to come across as a clean, presentable person. If you are wearing open toed shoes, make sure your toenails are not too long or dirty, and if you have extra time, paint them to match your shoes! Try out new fashions, and be creative!


8. Pass on the sugary cereals and chocolate chip waffles

 Go for cereals and mini bagels. Have a bit of fruit on the side. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Don't try skipping it to lose weight! You will actually gain more without breakfast. Breakfast boosts your metabolism and gives you enough energy for the day!
9. Brush your teeth well 

with a good toothpaste, use mouthwash and floss. Get some mints or minty chewing gum! Spray on some perfume, check yourself in the mirror before you leave! Make sure you have all your books and equipment in a reasonably sized bag. Now you're all set!

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