Wednesday 26 March 2014

Seven steps to looking HOT beyond 40 !

Do you remember that fleeting time when you were 15 years old and desperately wanted to be ‘all grown up’ and aged about 22? I say fleeting, because apart from the experimentation with what was arguably way too much make-up, high heels and clothing that we thought would make us look ‘sexy’, at the end of the day we would just race off and enjoy life.

Here is How you dress young without looking foolish !

The first step: 
to look younger in your clothing is to know what works (and what doesn't work!) for you. It’s that simple – wearing a style because it is “on trend” if it doesn’t work for your body will make you look like a fashion victim.If the runways, magazines and stores are full of short voluminous dresses and skirts and your legs that have seen better days, then don’t wear them. The key is to know how to dress your shape and interpret the trends to find the garments that work best for you.

The second step: is to stay in touch

Read the latest fashion magazines; go shopping in high-end designer streetwear or younger stores - even if it’s just to check out the trends. 

When you are out and about, look around you and become aware of what styles are being worn. Beware of buying or wearing “classics”. No, you probably can’t trot out that suit jacket you’ve had since 1995 without looking stuck. 
Nothing ages you faster than wearing dated, old clothing – you’ll simply look dated and old. The exception: vintage – but you have to be totally up with the trends to know which vintage looks work and which to leave on the rack.

Third step: watch where you shop

Look at the shop assistants and other shoppers. Are these women older than you? Are the other shoppers? Do you like their style? Does it challenge you? Retail assistants have access to their stores’ latest pieces, and most are given a uniform or allowance to wear their brand… do the pieces they wear look like the pieces you’ve seen in the latest fashion magazines or are they a watered down, re-worked best seller from a previous season?

Fourth step: Layers

Layering is clever. It creates illusions and hides parts of your body you’d rather others not see. It’s also how younger people dress - short sleeved tees layered over longer sleeves, jackets belted over cardigans, vests over tees. Work your look with layers and you rev it up a notch.

Number five is jeans

Yep, jeans say ‘young’ effortlessly. Choose a style that works for you – don’t be scared of skinnys – it’s amazing what the addition of a heel can do for your legs. If you are too hippy, try a bootcut or some of the new high-rise flares. 
Buy tighter than you think you should – jeans usually give a half size, so if you are trying a pair that fit perfectly, go down a size. Choose good denim, which means a good weight and colour – dark is always good, mid colour is harder to wear.

 Check the length as the hem must almost skim the floor in your heels. If the hem needs to come up don’t do ‘nana’ hems, instead get the tailor to re-attach the original hem. Be aware of trends here, too: the new Boyfriend jeans are incredibly comfortable and look great worn with heels or flats.

The sixth step: to keeping young in your wardrobe is all about cut and length.

That means the length of your skirts and dresses as well as jackets and pants. This seemingly tiny detail is the one that will keep you current. Not to say that we have a “this season’s” skirt length any more (there are usually a few options each season), but you need to be aware of where hemlines sit on which garments.Take note also about cut – the width of pants, the swing (or not) of jackets and the fullness of skirts. If the length or cut you are wearing no longer works you’ll be looking dated.

The final step: 
pay attention to the details. Don’t avoid hats, waistcoats, socks, shoes, earrings, bags, bracelets and necklaces. Keep an eye on the street and those magazines and seek out the finishing touches that will set your outfit apart.

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